Monday, March 30, 2009

Wallpaper, Mirrors, and Stardom

Here's what happened yesterday:

#6. Didn't get to talk with Person C, so this desire is still in process. Reminder: Just because it doesn't happen in my time frame, doesn't mean it's not happening.

#7. Ohme, Ohmy! What David and I did yesterday. We removed three huge mirrors from our bathroom without breaking them or ourselves. Then we got them outside so a lucky Craigslist person could pick them up (we gave them away for free). Then I got all the wallpaper off the walls from under the mirrors. That was hard, but I was driven because the paper clashed so hardily with the current bathroom. Eek! So I thought to myself: How could this go more easily. Instantly, I envisioned the kitchen 3M scrubber, and sure enough, the work was over in no time! Reminder: Asking the right questions often leads to the right answers.

#8. Did I finish upholstering the office chairs? Nope. I got tired, and decided it wasn't a priority for yesterday. But it is a priority to get done by Wednesday, which is actually an artificial deadline, but I need to give myself time limits, or I forget to do them. Am I the only person like this? I doubt it!
I'm rating this a failure, even though it's not technically a failure. 'm just not happy about the results, and to get a win for this, I need to feel happy!! Reminder: The Dalai Lama said we have come to earth to be happy. That means we have to create it, instead of forcing ourselves to be happy about things that aren't wonderful.

#4. It was a pretty good food day. I'd say I managed well 90% of the time. Late in the day I got tired, which meant I looked for pep-me-up food. Still, I didn't over do. I'm going to list my results as neutral because when I look back on yesterday, I don't feel happy and proud. I feel neutral. Remember: when you have what you want, you feel HAPPY!!

Score card: Great - 1/4 Neutral - 2/4 Failure - 1/4
Here's what I'm creating today:
#9. I'm writing a great scene for tonight's writing group. When I get done reading it tonight, the group's facial expressions tell me I've hit my mark. Also, it feels good in my body, so I know it's what the book wants, after all, the book is more in charge than I am. I'm imagining myself upstairs writing, and it all flows through me, and I'm in the flow. I'll let you know what happens!

#10. The part of the bathroom I'm painting today gets done well in no time, and I'm pleased as punch with the results! The one thing that will get in the way is if I look at the walls and react with boredom. I hate painting flat bare walls. But the thought of getting the new mirrors up drives me, because right now we have no mirrors in the bathroom. Imagine not watching yourself in the mirror while brushing your teeth. Imagine washing your hands, and having no face to study in the mirror. Yep, I'm getting the walls painted today!

#11. For Person E, I'm creating a feeling of stardom. That's what Person E wants to experience, and that's what I'm creating for him/her. In fact, I'm also creating it for Persons A and B. When they're happy, I'm happy.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting my ego on the same page as my intentions

Here's what happened with my intentions:

#2. The painting went lickety-split, and it's all done. I had to get Davy to paint the very tippy top because standing on top of ladders reminds me I'm wingless.
But it's done!!! Yeah. Note: I finished at 2 p.m., rather than 9:30, or whatever artificial obstacle I gave myself. The point is, it's done!

#4. I'm not there yet regarding the food. There are these times when I lose my consciousness, and those are what I have to work on. I'm ‘fessing to feeding my fears. I have to start thinking that it's easy to stay conscious. I have to spend time imagining it so my ego starts believing it to. If my ego doesn't believe it, I'm sunk, for it's the one holding the belief.
Here's how I work with my ego: I ask myself why I can't have constant consciousness. In this moment, the answer I get from my subconscious, or my little-child-inside, is: Because unexpected things will come out of nowhere and I can't handle them. Do I want this???? NO! I want to handle everything that comes my way, elegantly and beautifully and for the good of everyone involved. Right now, I'm going to imagine myself being bombarded with the icky needs of others. Instead of deadening myself and responding from my default thinking, I see myself:
feeling each experience
deciding what I want that is helpful for all
imagining it happening
feeling the splendor of it happening
relaxing into knowing I have planted a healthy seed for a future experience!

#5. Person B called and is in very good spirits. This made me feel good, but a nagging feeling warns me I don't think things are OK. So here's what I want to experience: Person B calls with news that s/he has been asked to do something so in alignment with his/her life purpose, it's totally irresistible. And gleeful. So Person B doesn't have to go out and make it happen. Instead the good fortune comes to and seeks out Person B. It feels like a wave, much like when the whole Universe is helping something emerge and happen. Yes! That's what I want to experience. (Note: the graphic is Chinese for Double Happiness.)

#1. Also, an update on the dryer. Home Depot was great getting someone to fix the dryer, but the person they picked didn't want to come out because he thought it was a vent issue. Actually he told me to use my leaf blower, thinking I even owned such a thing. Frustrated, I decided all would get fixed quickly, and sure enough, outside my front door, I hear the sound of my gardener's -- leaf blower. I asked him to blow in the vent, and he did, and voila!!! The dryer now works!

Scorecard: Great - 2/4 Failure - 1/4 Neutral - 1/4
Here are my new wants for today:

#6. I want a great conversation with Person C. I think Person C has gone through some travails and irritations, and I think this affects Person C by holding him/her back and by making him/her unnecessarily angry, which is not good for the health, the other relationships, and life in general. I think we get angry when beauty and love are missing. Person C totally wants beauty and love to happen, but doesn't know how to make it happen. I'm going to help create it for Person C.

#7. I want the work in the bathroom to go smoothly, efficiently, and lovely.

#8. I want the upholstery of the upstairs chairs to go swimmingly, and that I stay present and get it done. I tend to stop when little problems emerge (that's that old default reaction when problems arise). I see myself being present, imagining what I want to happen, and it all happens smoothly and wonderfully, and I'm with the results, AND happy with myself!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Walls, Kitchens, and Person B

Today I create:

#2. I create a quick, efficient, happy upstairs painting experience!
This will be hard because: I don’t want to do it, even though I want it done.
THEREFORE I’m going to imagine this: Being done by 9:30 this morning!

#4. A good food day, where I eat only when I’m hungry, and I stop before I’m full.
This will be hard because: I go unconscious sometimes and eat to feel. Very bad. I’d rather realize I’m unconscious and figure out
THEREFORE I’m going to imagine this: Whenever I go into the kitchen, I imagine myself going into the kitchen asking myself what I really want in that moment, because if I’m not hungry for food, then I’m hungry for something else! Then I imagine myself having what I really want. I’ll let you know how it goes.

#5. Person B in my life getting inspired to create and have that fill his/her life.
This will be hard because: I think Person B is falling off the edge and is totally out of control. I can’t fix Person B, but I can create what I experience about the person.
THEREFORE I’m going to imagine this:
Person B calls me and tells me about the new creativity that’s flowing through and how the person is so totally jazzed and so totally intent on creating that the craziness they were experiencing no longer seems necessary. I know this sounds kind of strange, but one thing I know is that when this person is in the creative flow and loves what’s getting created, this person charges forth, full of vigor and enthusiasm, and this person creates the most outstanding, most impeccable, most interesting of pieces. So that’s what I’m creating! I also know Person B is most happy when they are successful and recognized, and so I want this and imagine this for Person B.

I'll let you know how it goes!

3/25 Results

How did I do yesterday?
1. I had a great time at Home Depot. The guy who helped me was really thorough and I got all my questions answered. Great experience. It turns out I had my information wrong about the flooring, but he made me feel like a wonderful person anyway.
2. I didn’t paint upstairs. :< Ugh! But here’s why. I went to Dr. Cruel for a pre-op test, and she didn’t disappoint. (I should have set some intentions for something less grueling and more pain-free. My bad.) After the grueling Dr. Cruel, my body just wanted to sleep, and I let it! So the great upstairs-painting-experience will happen today!
3. This turned out interesting. Instead of Person A saying everything was easy, I found out that the job-load and job-expectation was reduced by 75%. That was terrific news!!!!

Score Card:
Great!! - 2/3; Failure - 1/3; Neutral - 0/3

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Customer Service, pretty flat walls, and a big Wow!

Tomorrow, 3/25, I’ll experience these wonderful things:

#1. I’ll have an easy time with Home Depot’s customer service department and I’ll get the new floor and dryer fixed with little problem.

This is hard for me because:

I just know they’ll tell me I did something wrong and caused all the problems, even though I know for sure that’s not true. My inner parent can be very hard on me.

THEREFORE I’m going to imagine this:

The person at Home Depot’s service counter smiles at me and tells me, “This happens all the time and it will be my pleasure to see that everything gets fixed quickly and free. Then both you and I will be very happy!”

Does the thought of this make me feel happy? Yes!!!!!

I’ll let you know what happens.

#2. I’ll finish painting the upstairs, which isn’t even very big, but the ceilings are high.

This is hard for me because:

Painting flat walls bores the heck out of me and I can always think of something far more exciting to do. Then I end up hating the unpainted wall, and myself for leaving it that way. This is not good for my happiness or my health!

THEREFORE I’m going to imagine this:

Being done and happy with the way it looks, AND looking at the clock and seeing that I got it done in half the time I thought it would take me. Including the clean up! So then I can play around with stuff that doesn’t bore me, like writing and watching a design program on tv. I love that. Playing without feeling guilt! (Did I mention I’m a Capricorn??)

Does that make me feel happy? YES it does!

I’ll let you know what happens.

#3. I learn that my friend, Person A, is having an easy time with a mutual project.

This is hard for me because:

I think the project is too hard and involved and will always create struggles for those involved. (Sorry I can’t tell you who it is. My friends’ privacy is really important!!!)

THEREFORE I’m going to imagine this:

Person A doesn’t call me at all with suffering and consternation. Instead, the next day, I get an email or a phone call from Person A who says, “Well, I think that turned out great! The things I couldn’t figure out just sort of came to me, and the answers were always there, and my computer cooperated, and wow, what’s the big deal!”

Does this make me happy? You bet!

I’ll let you know what happens!

Note: It's always great to create good for others!!!! When they're happy, you're probably happy too!!!!

Inspiring the Genie: what is it?

This blog is an experiment.
I want to see what happens when I publicly announce what I intend to create each day. Will it make a difference? What will my track record be? Will I be totally embarassed out of my mind?
Obviously I'll need to keep track of what happens and announce the results in a timely way on this blog. That I promise to do, and I hope the results will be most exciting and enlightening. I promise not to cheat or to prevaricate.

But, you may wonder, why am I doing this?
The answer is simple. It's been twelve years since I wrote
Take a Moment and Create Your Life!, and I want people see me go through the process of consciously creating future experiences. Usually I only do this in private, or in small groups such as the Gaian Sisterhood or Creating is Genius because who really wants to fail in public?
But I'm doing it publicly, because I intend to succeed.
Sometimes it'll be hard, because frankly, I have one of those it'll-never-happen-the-way-I-want-it-to genes.
But I also have a great imagination and a will to have a happy life.
And that's what you're going to watch me spar with: my desire for happiness VERSUS my fears. Success happens when desire wins out.