Thursday, March 26, 2009

Walls, Kitchens, and Person B

Today I create:

#2. I create a quick, efficient, happy upstairs painting experience!
This will be hard because: I don’t want to do it, even though I want it done.
THEREFORE I’m going to imagine this: Being done by 9:30 this morning!

#4. A good food day, where I eat only when I’m hungry, and I stop before I’m full.
This will be hard because: I go unconscious sometimes and eat to feel. Very bad. I’d rather realize I’m unconscious and figure out
THEREFORE I’m going to imagine this: Whenever I go into the kitchen, I imagine myself going into the kitchen asking myself what I really want in that moment, because if I’m not hungry for food, then I’m hungry for something else! Then I imagine myself having what I really want. I’ll let you know how it goes.

#5. Person B in my life getting inspired to create and have that fill his/her life.
This will be hard because: I think Person B is falling off the edge and is totally out of control. I can’t fix Person B, but I can create what I experience about the person.
THEREFORE I’m going to imagine this:
Person B calls me and tells me about the new creativity that’s flowing through and how the person is so totally jazzed and so totally intent on creating that the craziness they were experiencing no longer seems necessary. I know this sounds kind of strange, but one thing I know is that when this person is in the creative flow and loves what’s getting created, this person charges forth, full of vigor and enthusiasm, and this person creates the most outstanding, most impeccable, most interesting of pieces. So that’s what I’m creating! I also know Person B is most happy when they are successful and recognized, and so I want this and imagine this for Person B.

I'll let you know how it goes!

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