Monday, March 30, 2009

Wallpaper, Mirrors, and Stardom

Here's what happened yesterday:

#6. Didn't get to talk with Person C, so this desire is still in process. Reminder: Just because it doesn't happen in my time frame, doesn't mean it's not happening.

#7. Ohme, Ohmy! What David and I did yesterday. We removed three huge mirrors from our bathroom without breaking them or ourselves. Then we got them outside so a lucky Craigslist person could pick them up (we gave them away for free). Then I got all the wallpaper off the walls from under the mirrors. That was hard, but I was driven because the paper clashed so hardily with the current bathroom. Eek! So I thought to myself: How could this go more easily. Instantly, I envisioned the kitchen 3M scrubber, and sure enough, the work was over in no time! Reminder: Asking the right questions often leads to the right answers.

#8. Did I finish upholstering the office chairs? Nope. I got tired, and decided it wasn't a priority for yesterday. But it is a priority to get done by Wednesday, which is actually an artificial deadline, but I need to give myself time limits, or I forget to do them. Am I the only person like this? I doubt it!
I'm rating this a failure, even though it's not technically a failure. 'm just not happy about the results, and to get a win for this, I need to feel happy!! Reminder: The Dalai Lama said we have come to earth to be happy. That means we have to create it, instead of forcing ourselves to be happy about things that aren't wonderful.

#4. It was a pretty good food day. I'd say I managed well 90% of the time. Late in the day I got tired, which meant I looked for pep-me-up food. Still, I didn't over do. I'm going to list my results as neutral because when I look back on yesterday, I don't feel happy and proud. I feel neutral. Remember: when you have what you want, you feel HAPPY!!

Score card: Great - 1/4 Neutral - 2/4 Failure - 1/4
Here's what I'm creating today:
#9. I'm writing a great scene for tonight's writing group. When I get done reading it tonight, the group's facial expressions tell me I've hit my mark. Also, it feels good in my body, so I know it's what the book wants, after all, the book is more in charge than I am. I'm imagining myself upstairs writing, and it all flows through me, and I'm in the flow. I'll let you know what happens!

#10. The part of the bathroom I'm painting today gets done well in no time, and I'm pleased as punch with the results! The one thing that will get in the way is if I look at the walls and react with boredom. I hate painting flat bare walls. But the thought of getting the new mirrors up drives me, because right now we have no mirrors in the bathroom. Imagine not watching yourself in the mirror while brushing your teeth. Imagine washing your hands, and having no face to study in the mirror. Yep, I'm getting the walls painted today!

#11. For Person E, I'm creating a feeling of stardom. That's what Person E wants to experience, and that's what I'm creating for him/her. In fact, I'm also creating it for Persons A and B. When they're happy, I'm happy.

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